"Matthew Fox's creation spirituality is the spirituality of the future, and his theology of the Cosmic Christ is the theology of the future…"
Creation Spirituality
Creation Spirituality integrates the wisdom of indigenous, Eastern, and Western spirituality with the revelations of modern science to awaken mysticism, revitalize our culture, and promote social and ecological justice.
Creation Spirituality inspires us to embody, support, reflect, and honor the spirituality of creation as it is expressed in the diversity of the cosmos. It compels us to lead lives of spiritual inquiry, creativity, and prophetic action as our sacred work in the world.
Creation Spirituality has been celebrated under various names over the centuries, most notably by the Rhineland Christian mystics of medieval Europe. It has been emphatically articulated in our time by the prolific author, priest, and spiritual theologian Matthew Fox.
Six Essentials of Creation Spirituality:
One: The Universe, and all life within it, is fundamentally a blessing.
Two: It is through the work of spiritual practice that we move beyond fear into compassion and discover our deep and true selves.
Three: The spiritual journey can be understood as a dance moving in and out of four mystical paths
- awe, delight, gratitude, joy (known as the Via Positiva)
- uncertainty, darkness, suffering, letting go (known as the Via Negativa)
- birthing, creativity, passion (known as the Via Creativa)
- justice, healing, celebration, rebirth, resurrection (known as the Via Transformativa)
Four: Every one of us carries within us the capacity to be a mystic, to be creative, to be visionary, and to be an agent for positive change. It is our responsibility to cultivate these capacities for the benefit of Earth and all it’s creatures.
Five: We rejoice in and courageously honor the rich diversity within the Cosmos which is expressed in every individual and embodies multiple cultures, religions, and ancestral traditions.
Six: Ecological justice is our priority as an imperative for the healing, sustainability and harmony among our species and the entire Earth community.
Daily Meditations With Matt Fox
Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
The Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality website is awarded a 2022 American Digital Design Award for excellence in design and user experience.