Icon of Christ, Savior + Andrei Rublev
1360? - 1437)
This famous icon by the renowned iconographer, St. Andrei Rublev was part of the iconostasis — altar screen — for the Monastery of Svenigrod near Moscow. Christ is depicted as Savior expressing great love and compassion for sinners in a face filled with light, kindness and gentleness. In 1918, experts of Russian iconography knowing that this icon had existed and that this celebrated artist lived in this ancient town, carefully searched the Church of the Annunciation and surrounding annexes. Had it lain unknown somewhere for centuries? There in a timber store under a firewood pile they found three blackened icon boards. When they were cleaned this icon appeared with one of Archangel Michael and one of St. Paul. Later a document was found that confirmed the truth of this wonderful find. The icon is dated, 1410.
The Treasured Aramaic Words of Jesus
Presented by Brother Joseph Kilikevice, OP
“Whole and complete are those who soften what is rigid within, they shall receive strength from all of creation.”
(Version from ancient Aramaic texts of the phrase more commonly known as, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Resource: Prayers of the Cosmos, by Neal Douglas-Klotz)
In exploring the ancient Aramaic texts of early Christian Scriptures, until recently accessible only to the scholars of the language Jesus spoke, the familiar and treasured words of this desert dwelling mystic and prophet can now be examined more closely by us.
Translations bring to light the profound wisdom in the teachings of Jesus found in the Lord’s Prayer, the Beatitudes and the “I am” sayings in the Gospel of John.
In considering the Aramaic words of Jesus taken from the Bible, used by all present day Aramaic Christians, we can enter his familiar, treasured words in a deeper way and experience them more directly. The sacred sounds of his Aramaic words put to simple chants and accompanied by English translations becomes a spiritual practice that reveals authentic meanings missed by more familiar translations.
Christians who follow Jesus and those of other traditions and spiritual paths who respect and value his teachings are welcome to join us.
Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
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