We are on the earth to take care of life. We are on the earth to take care of each other.
Friends of the Earth – National Public Lands Day Matching Gift Opportunity

National Public Lands Day is Saturday, but wolves in the Yellowstone area are being slaughtered mercilessly — and private interests like trophy hunters and Big Oil and Gas are making matters worse.
That’s why a generous group of donors is matching every gift in honor of National Public Lands Day, up to our goal of $47,500, until midnight on Saturday. Because you’ve been such an essential supporter, we created a custom match link you can use to be the FIRST to double your impact — so hurry and give now! Here’s your link:
This goal means so much to our vulnerable wolves and bears, the public lands they roam, and our planet — and we chose you to be part of this select group for early match access because we know you recognize how high the stakes are.
Wolves are keystone species — they help keep elk and deer populations in check, allowing other plant and animal species to flourish. The remains of their kill redistribute nutrients and feed scavengers. They play a vital role in our wild spaces like Yellowstone, yet are being hunted mercilessly.
Without them, the balance they keep in areas they roam — like our public lands — would be thrown off-kilter. We can’t let it come to that.
Can you rush a $100 donation right now for National Public Lands Day and help protect wolves, our public lands, and our planet?
A mere 6,000 wolves occupy less than 10% of their historic range in the lower 48 states. And with the recent slaughter of 25 Yellowstone wolves, only 89 remain in the national park.
It’s not an accident — trophy hunters and Big Oil and Gas are benefiting from the lack of Endangered Species Act protections for these wolves, so trophy hunters could slaughter them mercilessly, and more of the public lands they roam could be sold for drilling and fracking.
We need to stop this before it’s too late.
Friends of the Earth members like you are fueling the fight to protect vulnerable species like wolves and the public lands they roam — all in service of our planet.
We can’t afford to lose the fight. But we can’t win without you.
Iconic wolves, precious public lands, and our planet need your help before it’s too late. Donate $100 to Friends of the Earth this National Public Lands Day.
We can do this together. Hundreds of thousands of members like you have already stepped up and been instrumental in the progress we’ve made so far to protect wolves — making calls, submitting comments, and taking bold action with us. Time after time, we’ve seen that when we fight together, we win.
This is a watershed moment in the fight to save wolves and the public lands they call home. If we don’t win these fights before wolves in the Northern Rockies are eliminated, their species could be lost forever. It is our duty to act boldly before it’s too late — and we can only do it together. Make your $100 membership contribution today while you have early access to this special — but short — match opportunity!
Join the movement to fight back against trophy hunters and Big Oil and Gas, and protect wolves. Make this National Public Lands Day count with a $100 contribution to Friends of the Earth while this matching gift opportunity is still available.
Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil Fuels and Lands Campaigner
Friends of the Earth
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Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
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