To be alive: not just the carcass
But the spark
That’s crudely put, but…
If we’re not supposed to dance,
Why all this music?
Music to Save the World Follow Up
May 7, 2023
Dear friends,
After several years of not gathering for our annual fundraising gala concert due to the covid epidemic, we were able to do so this year. Our friends, Jean Bacom-Detmer, flutist, Michael Surratt, organist, and Jeffrey Wagner, pianist offered a wonderful afternoon of classical music at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Oak Park. The audience enjoyed the superb performances of the musicians. Program notes and additional introductory remarks by Jeff Wagner made the music even more enjoyable.
Inspired by a quote by the Russian author, Dostoyevsky, “It is beauty that will save the world,” we titled our concert, “Music to Save the World.” Recalling that “Holy Russia” was once named as such because of its deeply spiritual tradition of art, mystical prayer, music, ballet, poetry and literature, we harkened back a country that is unfortunately known today as invading and at war with the people of Ukraine.
As our own country lives under the weight of political discord and violence, and an epidemic of gun violence, often killing innocent children, our concert was an occasion to claim something of the beauty of music to help guide us to a place of healing and peace. In doing so we respond to the mandates of respect, inclusiveness and love that is a universal message of the faith traditions and spiritual paths of the people of the world.
Your donations support our mission of inclusiveness and respect among all people of the world. Thank you for your generosity.
Br. Joseph Kilikevice, OP
Director of Shem Center
We are grateful for the friendship, encouragement and support you bring,
Your tax-deductible donation will continue to qualify for matching funds from our friends, The Wolcott / Ebbeler Foundation whether or not you were able to attend our 2023 gala concert.
Save the date
Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 2:00pm
Organ, piano and flute music by Cesar Franck, Frederic Chopin
and others
Jean Bacom-Detmer, Flutist
Michael Surratt, Organist
Jeffrey Wagner, Pianist
St. Catherine of Siena / St. Lucy Church
Washington Blvd. and Austin Blvd. Oak Park, Illinois
to benefit
The Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality,
Oak Park, Illinois
Since 1993 furthering the cause of world peace through understanding, respect and friendship among the world’s religions.
Volunteers are needed to welcome our guests and help make the occasion an enjoyable and successful one.
Please call Br. Joseph Kilikevice, OP
Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
The Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality website is awarded a 2022 American Digital Design Award for excellence in design and user experience.