Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
Joseph Kilikevice, Founding Director
Steven G. Miller, Assistant Director
Shem Center 2022 Year-end Letter
Dear friends,
All are welcomed into Shem Center’s Circle of Respect — people of all faith traditions, spiritual paths, those who claim none and those who may be searching for one.
Shem Center has declared this message from our beginnings in 1993 and continues in today’s deeply divided world. We acknowledge the truth of a world that suffers from injustice, violence and uncertainty. Climate change is more appropriately named climate
crisis and is part of the lives of all people on our planet, some far more than others. This, “our common home” as Pope Francis calls it, is experiencing some alarming ecological changes with the displacement of people and other creatures of the natural world. Shem
Center views this crisis as a deeply spiritual one calling us to live responsibly on this planet of exquisite beauty and abundance.
Political unrest, an insurrection, conspiracy theories, lies, deceit and assault upon our democracy threatens a world beyond our borders. An unprovoked war in Ukraine with crimes against humanity committed with impunity, cause great suffering to a courageous
people. To this tragedy add the overarching devastation of creation that effects all people as the climate crisis deepens and a rich diversity of life forms is threatened with extinction.
Shem Center addresses these issues and meets the challenges the pandemic presents by finding new ways to bring our message to others, such as a newly designed, award winning web site, and the use of Zoom technology for retreats. We have also welcomed Steve Miller as an Assistant Director, a co-presenter on Male Spirit retreats for some years. View the Shem Center’s web site.
This is also our year-end appeal for funds needed to pay for unexpected plumbing and furnace replacement expenses. Your tax exempt contributions are earnestly sought. Once again our friends, The Wolcott Ebbeler Foundation will match every two dollars you donate. Find donor information at
Our annual report will be published on the Shem Center web site early in 2023.
With respect and gratitude for your friendship and support,
— Joseph Kilikevice, OP, Director
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Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
The Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality website is awarded a 2022 American Digital Design Award for excellence in design and user experience.