News from Shem Center For Interfaith Spirituality
Letter From Ukraine, September 14, 2022
Dear sisters, dear brothers,
It has been 200 days since the beginning of the war. Although the Ukrainian army’s most recent military achievements and the lifting of Russian occupation in the territories of the Kharkiv Oblast and the south of the country brought us joy, hope, and expectation, we are all aware that the road to full victory remains long. Today, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, by the initiative of the Council of the European Episcopal Conferences, we are celebrating in Ukraine the Day of Prayer for Peace. It is celebrated under the motto: “Kneeling before the Eucharist crying for peace.” I’m very grateful to Archbishop Gintarasa for this idea. He visited Ukraine in July, and since he is Lithuanian, I’m sure he understands perfectly well how godless and terrible the ideology of “Russian peace” could be.
Read MoreA Meeting Remembered, Albert Nolan, O.P., 1934-2022
It was in December of 1999, a day at The Parliament of the World’s Religions assembled in Cape Town, South Africa. I had chosen to wear my Dominican habit by way of giving witness to my religious order’s public declaration of its interfaith mission of dialogue and respect for all faith traditions and spiritual paths. I chose to wear my religious habit, one worn by many illustrious women and men for nearly eight centuries as members of the Order of Preachers. There were of course many others in national and religious garb making this gathering of some 7000 participants from 80 countries a colorful display of our diversity.
Read MoreStephen Miller, new Assistant Director of Shem Center
With gratitude and anticipation Shem Center announces the appointment of Steve Miler to Shem Center’s staff as Assistant Director with Joe Kilikevice, its Founding Director. Steve’s involvement with Shem Center’s Male Spirit program for many years both as a participant and co-leader with Joe holds an impressive history of creative, joyful, profoundly moving and memorable sacred gatherings.
Read MoreLetter from Ukaraine, August 18, 2022
Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers,
I have to admit that Saint Hyacinth becomes closer and closer to me every year. I see my ministry in Ukraine as a realization of his desire to preach the Gospel on the shores of the Dnieper. I had the great joy of visiting Rome on Holy Saturday this year, when I went to the Basilica of Santa Sabina, accompanied by Father Alain, the socius to the Master of the Order, and I could see its fresco depicting the vestition of Saint Hyacinth. These days, many people visiting this Dominican church on Aventine are praying for Ukraine, often using special prayers provided by the brothers.
Read MoreDominican Order of Friars Chicago Assembly 2022
An Assembly of some 150 Dominican Friars of the Central USA Province of the international Order of Preachers gathered in Chicago August 8-11, 2022. Matters of common concern are considered periodically by members of the Order to examine, evaluate, update and improve the life and mission of our religious order.
Read MoreThe Last Tisha B’Av: A Tale of New Temples
By Rabbis Arthur Waskow & Phyllis Berman
From The Shalom Report, The Shalom Center
In the Abuhav synagogue in Tz’fat (Safed) there is actually on the ceiling a painting of the Dome of the Rock, built by Muslims in that extraordinary place that both Muslims and Jews view as holy above the rock where Isaac or Ishmael was bound for offering; above the rock from which Muhammad began his mystical ascent to Heaven.
Read MoreLetter from Ukaraine, July 26, 2022
Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers,
I wrote the last letter from Ukraine over a month ago. That’s a long time. Since life in Kyiv has become calmer and more normal, it’s harder to force yourself to write. Routine, weariness of repeated air alarms, beginning each day with checking the phone to see where bombs fell overnight and how many casualties, the fear of repeating what everyone already knows… all this contributed to my procrastination in writing.
Read MoreShem Center For Interfaith Spirituality is in Great Company!
Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality website was awarded a 2022 American Digital Design Award for excellence in design and user experience on June 30, 2022. Each year Graphic Design USA sponsors a curated contest for American graphic designers who submit their work for consideration of recognition. This year, from a record 2400 entries, only a small handful of design projects — including the Shem Center website — were selected as winners.
Read MoreLetter From Ukraine, June 27, 2022
Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers,
It’s been over two weeks since my last letter from Ukraine. This longer period between correspondences might give the impression of a return to normalcy. If one of you arrived now in Kyiv or Lviv not knowing a war has been going on for over four months, you might not see at first glance that not all is in order. Obviously apart from the sight of many women and men in military uniforms on the streets, everyday life seems to be following its normal course. But this is just an illusion.
Read MoreLetter From Ukraine, June 11, 2022
Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers,
Today I made a phone call to an older woman whose son fights on the frontlines. “Good morning, this is Father Jarosław…” On the other end: silence. I introduced myself again and explained why I’m calling. After a while, she told me that the unfamiliar male voice in the receiver had surprised and frightened her. How true; during wartime a phone call like this could have brought bad news about her son. Mrs. Nadia isn’t the only mother though, or wife or daughter, who picks up the phone with apprehension.
Read MoreLetter From Ukraine, May 16, 2022
Dear Friends of Shem Center, Here is another letter received from my Dominican brother in Ukraine. Fr. Jaroslaw Krawiec, OP, the Vicar Provincial from Poland ministering in Ukraine. His account of life there reports on details not seen on our news accounts. Should you feel moved to support his work in Ukraine with those displaced…
Read MoreNotes from Ukraine, Sunday, May 22, 2022
PICTURED ABOVE: The City of Kyiv before the invasion by Putin.
I received this latest letter from my Dominican Brother Jarosław and share it here with the friends of Shem Center. He writes about what ordinary life is like for them in Kyiv and also includes some news of particular interest to the Dominican family of Brothers and Sisters throughout the world.
Read MoreShem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
The Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality website is awarded a 2022 American Digital Design Award for excellence in design and user experience.