Thinking and Feeling from Within Nature
By Neil Douglas-Klotz
Dear Friends,
With the recent report by the UN climate panel, it becomes more urgent than ever to change our consciousness of nature and our activity within it. Arguably, the source of all of our current challenges lies in our inability to do this.
We need to think and feel from *within* nature rather than *about* it, from the outside. As difficult, or even impossible, it may seem to do this, it is possible and we have a human lineage of those who travelling ahead of us who have done so. I collected some pioneers of this different way of being conscious in my most recent book Wild Wisdom. Here is a link to the book.
If you have the book and like it, please consider posting a review on Amazon or your other online source. If you don’t have it, well….enough said!
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Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality
708 North Harvey Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-1095
Photo Credits: Emory Mead, Stephen B. Starr, Joseph Kilikevice
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